Sunday, March 20, 2011


Well, Abram is now a week old and I have been trying to get pictures posted for the last few days. So I am finally getting them on here and I wanted to share them with all of you! So here we go.
Here he is. Sleeping is something he does very well. (At least during the daytime!) And yes, he does have hands, they are just hidden inside of his shirt in the following picture. :)

And here is a shot I caught of Patrick and Abram this afternoon taking a little snooze. As you can see, he is still a little jaundice. Especially when you compare his color to the rest of us! But it is getting better every day.

And here is a close-up of our newest edition. We have been so blessed and we are enjoying every minute of it.
So, we are now a family of 6! Yes, there are 6 of us and everyone seems to be adjusting well. We will continue to keep everyone posted on any new happenings.
Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.


Pape Y Nana Gallegos said...

He is perfect, we are so anxious to come and meet him. Another perfect job God, we Thank You and we Thank Tara.
Love Y'all,

Laura Fiskin said...

Beautiful boy Tara! You make cute kids thats for sure. My prayers for miraculous early sleeping through the night are coming your way.