Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Crazy Dance

I have figured out how to upload video's and I thought I would catch one of Jordan and Isaac. They were doing some sort of CRAZY dance and having fun doing it. (If you ask me, they get their smooth moves from their dad!) HAHA! I am still trying to get used to the new blog so that is why I am so excited about getting video on it. I hope everyone enjoys! Love ya and God Bless, Tara G.

She Rolls Over!!!

Well, she finally did it. Sydney rolled over this weekend. She is 5 1/2 months old and on the move. I actually didn't see her roll over for the first time. I had a retreat this weekend at church and when I got back home on Sunday Patrick told me the good news. I caught this video of her earlier this evening. ENJOY!!!! Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Isaac's first day of Preschool

This is a picture of him actually in his class room.
Well, Isaac started preschool today. He was really excited and did a great job. He didn't get too worked up and had a pretty good time also. I thought this picture was a cute one. His backpack is almost as big as he is! He goes to school one day a week for two and a half hours. It works out good for him. He is pretty excited that he goes to school just like his big sister does.

This was a cute picture of Sydney I caught this afternoon. The weather has been really nice, so we are able to play outside while we wait for Jordan's school bus. She is growing like crazy and starting to bable more each day. I will post more soon. Love ya and God Bless, Tara G.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Nice Weekend!

Sydney was sure happy when I caught this picture of her this afternoon. She really likes this little Bumbo chair she has. She thinks she is all big in it. I also think that it helps to keep her out of harm's way from her siblings. HAHA!!! She hasn't started rolling or anything but I guess that is a good thing for me. She is a very happy and good baby. She is so much fun!

Like any good Gallegos weekend there is always popcycles involved. O' how we love popcycles in our house hold. I snapped this picture of Jordan while she was enjoying one this afternoon.

We stayed home this weekend and just had some good-old family time. We had a really great time. We got the yard cleaned up and mowed. It was in need of a little attention. This is a picture of Isaac riding his new little bike that one of our neighbors gave him. Their son had out-grown it so they gave it to him. He looks so big! I am just amazed. If you think about it, Isaac was smaller than Sydney is now when we moved here. I can't even believe it. Things here in Ohio are going well. Fall starts tomorrow and I am excited for the trees to start turning. It is so pretty. I will post again soon. Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sydney Faith!

Sydney is getting bigger every day and we are enjoying every minute of it. This picture was taken yesterday while we were waiting for Jordan to get home from school. She was just relaxing in the stroller in the shade. She just turned 5 months old and we can't even believe it. Jordan and Isaac enjoy having a little sister also. They are always making her laugh. It is so cute. Talk to ya soon. Love ya and God Bless, Tara G.

First Day of School

Here is a picture of Isaac on Jordan's first day of school. If you notice he has a lollipop. This is because I know that as soon as she gets on the bus he will be very upset. I am trying to make things easier for myself! He really did miss her that first day.

And this is Jordan on her first day of Kindergarten! It is so hard to believe that she is already in school. She is loving it. She has a really nice teacher (Miss K). She also rides the bus every day and I think she may enjoy that more than anything. That has been hard for Isaac. He really wants to ride the bus!

We will talk to everyone soon. Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.

Back to blogging again!!!!

Well, our old blog system changed up a lot of things so I had to resort to creating a new one. We have been really busy and things are going great here in Ohio for the Gallegos Family.

The kids are doing great and so are Patrick and I.
I will now do a much better job at keeping everyone updated on the Gallegos Family. Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.