Sunday, March 29, 2009


Rub-A-Dub-Dub, three kids in the tub!
Well, I finally did it. I was brave enough to put all three kids in the bath tub at the SAME time. I was most worried about Sydney but she did fine. I think she really enjoyed taking a bath with her brother and sister. They all obviously love taking baths. This post is composed of pictures with all three kids. This weekend was pretty nice and we had the opportunity to get outside. Swinging is another one of our pass times. Jordan has officially learned how to swing herself and she also enjoys swinging Isaac. We'll see how long that lasts. Sydney also enjoys a nice ride in the airplane swing.
Well, spring break is over and it is back to the regular routine, but that isn't too bad. We hope everyone had a great spring break also. Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Yeah it's Spring!!!

Well, as all of you know, the first day of spring was Friday the 20th and we are very excited about that. Unfortunately for us, it has still been pretty cool here in northeast Ohio. However, we are not letting the cool weather keep us in. Today we went to the park, played and had lunch. We had a high of 48 degrees for the day so we figured we should take advantage. So, this picture is dedicated to all of our family in the panhandle of Texas who are enjoying 80 degree weather and complain when it gets down to 60. (Who knows, when it gets up to 60 degrees here we may be playing in the sprinklers in the front yard!) I caught this picture of our nice picnic this afternoon which we followed up with a nice 2 mile hike in the woods around the park. It was very nice to get out needless to say. Sometimes taking a good picture of the kids can be more difficult than you might think. Now, I know some of you may think our kids are perfect (i.e. Grandparents) but these kids always want to make some sort of crazy face when I pull out the camera. So, the following is an example of the very point I am trying to make. I took about 5 pictures and this was the best I could get. I asked them to make normal smiles and face forwards and this is what I get! (They must get it from their father.) HAHA I took this one about an hour ago. So, it is fresh off the press.
And Sydney is doing well. She has been under the weather a little but with the help of antibiotics she is feeling much better. I took her the doctor on Friday and she had infections in both eyes and in both ears. She is definitely feeling better today as you can see.
Well, we hope all of you are enjoying this first weekend of spring.
Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!

Well, our family had two very special birthdays this past week. My dad and
Seanna (my brother's wife) both celebrated their birthday's on the 18th of March. (My brother has no reason to ever forget his dad's birthday or his wife's because they are on the same day! Lucky him!!!) We hope both of you had great birthdays and we love you very much! We wish we could have sang these songs with you in the room but this is close enough. Happy Birthday!!!

Love ya and God Bless, Tara G.

p.s. I know that today is not the 18th. It just took me a few ds to get these uploaded and ready for the blog. So, let's consider this a belated Happy Birthday!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ghetto Gates and Ribbon Festivals!

(March 6th, 2007, Isaac - 11 months old and
Jordan 3 1/2 years old)
(Behind their "Ghetto Gate")

Not too long after I first started blogging I titled a post "Ghetto Gates." I talked about how some people in our town live in gated communities and our children, well, they are no different. Their gates are just what we call "ghetto gates." What I do is lay down two of our dining room chairs to block them into the living room. For Isaac, these gates worked for a couple of months before he figured out that he could just push the chair out of the way and go where he wanted. Well, tonight I pulled the "ghetto gate card" and was very excited that I had remembered this handy trick that worked so well with Isaac. Unfortunately for me, after about 20 minutes Sydney figured out that she could just push the chairs out of her way and squeeze through the open space. I caught this picture of her right before she made her big "breakout." The picture above is one of Isaac when he was 11 months old and the picture below is one of Sydney and she is just 11 months old. The top one is a little small but I couldn't figure out how to make it any bigger.
And Jordan is doing well. Today she had a Music Ribbon Festival and she did great! She played her music perfectly and we are all very proud of her. She got this beautiful ribbon for her participation and she was very excited. After she finished her performance we went to church and she wore her ribbon very proudly. I caught this picture when we got home. I put her ribbon on her bulletin board at the end of the evening and she was very upset because she wanted to wear it every day this next week. I told her we would just wear it on special occasions or when people come over. (So, I am just warning you: if you come over any time soon you may get the honor of seeing her new piano ribbon.) But, as you can see, she is very excited and we are all very proud of her.

If you would like to check out our old blog the address is I have been blogging for a little over 2 years now and it is fun to see how much the kids have grown. It is so hard to believe how fast they grow.
Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.

Friday, March 13, 2009

A night out with DAD

Tonight at Jordan's school was "Snuggle up with Dad and read" night. It was all she could do to wait for him to get home. (I can't blame her.) She was very excited, as you can see in this picture.They left a little early and went for ice cream. When I asked her about the evening that was the one part she couldn't stop talking about. However, she finally got around to telling me about all the stories and the snack that she got afterwards. She saw a lot of her class mates and she is always up for a good social event. (Now, I can take credit for that one for sure!)
And well, Isaac and Sydney had the great honor of spending the evening with their mom. It took a little convincing but after a bowl of cereal, a popsicle, a gatorade and a fruit snack, I was just as much fun as Dad. HAHA There is nothing like sugar to get a kid on your side. (Another example of my parenting skills at their finest!!!) The following was a picture I caught of Isaac, Sydney and I. We did have a good time.
And usually after we get Jordan and Isaac to sleep we let Sydney roam around the living room without any distractions. And one of her favorite new things to play with is the keyboard. It is fun to watch her learn cause and effect. I think music is definitely going to be a part of her future. She bounces back and forth when she accidentally pushes the demo button. It is enjoyable to watch.
Well, you can mark us down for another fun family evening.
Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.

Blowing Kisses!

She has a new trick! Here is Sydney blowing kisses! She has been doing this now for a couple of weeks and I think it is so cute. (But I am her mom, I suppose it is my job to think all of her tricks are cute.)

I am amazed at how fast she is growing. (And how quick of a learner she is. Just like her Mom!!! HAHA. I think she definitely gets it from her Dad.)

Love ya and God Bless, Tara G.

Reading Everywhere!!!

Well, we continue to do well and so do the kids. Jordan is really enjoying school and to prove it she wants to read to Isaac and Sydney all of the time. (It may have something to do with being the oldest and the one in charge, but who's keeping track.) But I do have to say that she is setting a very good example for her brother and sister. The following is a picture I took this afternoon of Isaac reading to Sydney. She was very excited to sit and listen to him tell the story of Dora and her trip to the circus.And this picture is one I took of Jordan and Isaac this morning. I was getting kind of worried because things sounded very quiet (And in our house that can be a dangerous occurrence!) I went upstairs and Jordan and Isaac were in Isaa'sc closet and Jordan was reading "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Probably not the book Isaac would have picked out but he was still very eager to have his sister read him a story.
It was nice to see them getting along so well today. (Usually someone is pulling the other's hair and hiding someones toy. You know this if you have ever called me on the phone and tried to have a 5 minute discussion. When I am on the phone seems to be prime fighting time for my kids!) So, today I am thankful for books and how closely they brought the kids together throughout the day.
Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.

****A small clarification, when I say reading I mean telling the story by looking at the pictures :) Jordan is doing very well at learning to read but she is not quite reading big books like "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."****

Monday, March 2, 2009

A New Look!!!

Thanks to Misty, our blog has a new look! I thought about doing a St Patrick's day theme since it is March but I wasn't for sure if I would be able to change it so I stuck with something cute and pretty. Things here are going well. The kids and I are both ready for spring to get here. I think we are all going a little crazy all cooped up in the house. But, I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I flipped the calender page this morning and April is just around the corner.
The following is a picture of Jordan that I took this afternoon. She doesn't have school today due to teacher conferences so it is a nice afternoon to enjoy with everyone. And Isaac is doing well. Well, actually he is now! This morning we went to the gym and when I went to get him out of the child-care room he started vomiting everywhere! I felt so bad for him. I felt bad for Jordan and I also. We are not Vomiters! Vomiting is not our thing and I think both her and I were dry-heaving when I was trying to help Isaac. When we got home I told him he could watch some cartoons and drink some water. He wanted a hot dog (Not exactly what I would want after puking everywhere, but whatever!) and I told him I would make him some noodle soup. I gave him a bowl to hold on to in case he got sick again. As you can see, he was wearing the bowl and calling himself "Bucket-head." He seems to be feeling better so I am not for sure what caused the episode this morning.
I also had the chance to go on a retreat this weekend and Patrick and the kids sent me these beautiful flowers. I was so excited. Gerber daisies and tulips, two of my favorites. It was definitely a great weekend.
And this afternoon while I was changing Isaac's cloths and washing him up Jordan was entertaining Sydney. The following was a video I caught of Sydney and Jordan playing when I was cleaning up Isaac. It is a cute one!

Well, we continue to do well and look forward to posting more crazy adventures of the Gallegos Family! Love ya and God Bless, Tara G.