Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Like many towns, ours had a Memorial Day Parade and you better believe that the Gallegos family never misses a good parade! :) Jordan actually participated in the parade and she had a great time. As for Isaac, Sydney and I, we sat on the sidelines and cheered and waved at all of the floats. Sydney and Isaac really enjoyed seeing all of the floats and were even more excited when they saw Jordan walking by!
So, the following is an action shot of Sydney waving at one of the floats going by. And here is Isaac waving at someone.??? (Now I realize that it looks like this could be a posed picture because there is no one on the road, but there was a huge gap between the (Young) high school marching band and the (Slightly Older) bagpipe band. :) If you squint your eyes you can kind of see the bagpipers at the end of the street. I PROMISE they really are there!!!)
And after about 45 minutes in the sun the Indian Princess group came strolling up. And yes, there was Jordan. Waving at everyone she made eye contact with. (She really is a social butterfly - I have no idea where she gets it!)

And after Jordan passed the other two were done!!! Here is a picture of them as they were slowly melting away from the heat. They just wanted to sit in the shade and drink water. It was actually pretty funny to see in person.

Overall we had a great weekend. After the parade we went to some friends house and celebrated Memorial Day with them and their family. We have been blessed with so many great friends. We hope all of you had a great holiday weekend and on this Memorial Day may we always remember those who have given their lives for our freedom.


Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cleveland Marathon

This morning Patrick and I ran the Cleveland Marathon. Last year we ran the 1/2 marathon and this year we ran the full. And lucky for me, Patrick ran at MY pace. I am so grateful that he is so supportive. We loaded up and were off this morning at 5:25 a.m. Yes, 5:25!!! That is very early for me and the race started at 7:00 a.m. We didn't take the camera so all of the pictures below were taken after we got back home. The kids were very excited to wake up and have the babysitter here! :) Which isn't really a bad thing.

The kids are always excited when we get home from running but this time they knew we would have metals so that was the first thing they went for. Here is Jordan sporting the metal around her neck.

And Isaac just as excited, but he is more enthused with the twisting guitar that is on the metal itself.

And last but not least, Sydney, a picture of her sporting the metal.
Overall it was really a great run. I felt pretty good, however, those last 2 mile tried to kill me! And after getting back to the house we had the babysitter take a family picture. Below is what we got! The color was starting to come back into my face.
So, I have a HUGE "Thank You" to Patrick for pushing me harder than I push myself sometimes. This was something that I didn't know if I could really do, but he always believed in me. He kept me going the entire time and for that I am so thankful. I look forward to "possibly" doing another one. (Possibly is a big word today!!!)
Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.

My goal was to finish around the 4 hour mark. Our final time was 4 hours and 7 minutes. I was so glad to just be finished. I didn't care what my time was!!! :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Sydney!!!

I am just a little late, but here is how Sydney's 2nd birthday went down. Her birthday was on the 18th of April and the theme this year was "Tea Party!" She was very excited to have all the attention on her. I made a cake in the shape of a tea pot and it actually turned out really cute. Here is a picture of her and her cake on the 18th of April.And a close-up of the cake.

And we waited until the following weekend to have her party so she got to celebrate all week long. That is always fun for kids. So the following pictures were taken at her birthday party.

The whole gang!!!

Sydney and her friends with their sunglasses!

Sydney on a tricycle that her Godparents got for her.
And a close-up of Sydney with her glasses and goody bag in hand.
It is so hard to believe that Little Miss Sydney is already 2 Years old!!! And O' how she has truly blessed our family. We had a great time celebrating.
Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.