"Let Love and Faithfulness never leave you..." Proverbs 3:3
Well, February is upon us. I can hardly believe that January has passed but we are going into February full swing. And "Love" is the theme of the month, right? So, Jordan has 3 projects that are to be done within the next few weeks. So we got them ALL done today. She was very excited and enjoys crafts so these projects were right up her alley! The first was her Valentine's box. We went to the store today and picked up some supplies and the following picture is the final product. She is so excited to take it to school tomorrow.

(Yes, that is a feather boa that is wrapped
around the edges, her favorite part!)
The second was a Valentine for her class. Her class gets to decorate the hallway with a large homemade valentine from home and ours is officially done! I love the joy in her face in this next picture!

(It is stickers upon stickers upon stickers and it is all hers.
There was no parent involvement on this one!)
And the final project is the 100th day project. February 9th is the 100th day of school and again she wanted to go with the Valentine's theme. We glued 100 candy hearts in the shape of a heart. She has to wait until it dries to take it to school so it will be a couple of days before she can take it in. You kind of have to use your imagination to see the heart shape but after she cuts it out it will look more like a heart (HOPEFULLY!!!)
So, Love is the theme of the month and the theme of our home. I like to think that "Love" is always the theme of our home but sometimes things get crazy and it is easy to let Love get pushed back. And then I remember that the ultimate gift of Love was given to us from Jesus on a cross. So, for this month may we remember to Love, Love, Love!!! (And receive the Love, Love, Love that is all around us!)
Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.