We had to trash the last pumpkins because they were overtaken by bacteria/mold/fungi/ organisms of unknown origin. I guess we carved them a little too early. So, this weekend we jumped back onto the carving game. Here is a picture of Patrick and Sydney enjoying some time together.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Let the Festivities Begin!!!!
Well, it is official, the Halloween festivities have began. We still have one week until Halloween is officially here but that doesn't stop the Gallegos Family. We started the day off with a fun, non-scary Halloween party. We decorated pumpkins, played games and watched a magician. The kids had a lot of fun. Here is a picture I caught of the kids before we left. Jordan is Scooby-Doo, Isaac is a dragon and Sydney is a Dallas Cowboy's cheerleader. (Yes, the cheerleader costume goes over VERY well here in Ohio! LOL)
And a view from the back. The red thing is supposed to be a dead tree. This was the first thing Isaac wanted to eat when we dove in to it.
And here is a picture of the kids eating their house. It was all they could do to wait until after dinner to eat it. But I do have to say that they ate all of their dinner tonight. Go figure!
And here is a video of the kids eating the house.
And did you notice that Sydney shook her head "YES" at the end of the video. Her big thing right now is to say "NO" to everything. Well, she is definitely following in the sugar loaded footprints of her sister and brother.
So, we are preparing ourselves for a week full of Halloween parties, trick-or-treating, and dressing-up. I think I am ready but we will see how the week goes!
Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Fall is Upon Us!
Well, the leaves are changing, the weather is getting cooler and the Gallegos family is outside with spoons, knives, the bed of a truck and pumpkins. What can I say, we are building memories for a lifetime! So, as you can guess, we carved pumpkins this afternoon. Now, I remember carving pumpkins as a kid. There were no fancy carving knives or stencils. We simply made triangle eyes, a triangle nose and a grimace smile that only a mother could love. However, the times have changed and our kids aren't carving the same pumpkins their parents did.
This is the stencil Isaac chose for his pumpkin. Yes it is a dragon and he is making a dragon face. And the orange thing sticking out of the pumpkin is the fancy carving knife that I was talking about earlier!
And well, Jordan didn't want a normal face on her pumpkin either. She chose this witch stencil.
So, do you think they carved them! Of course not, but Patrick and I were up for the challenge and I have to say that they didn't turn out half bad. The kids like them so I guess that is all that counts. So, if you live in the area and want to see some cool pumpkin carvings feel free to drive by. And if you live far away, we are always up for company so you are welcome also.
So, here is a picture of the kids and Patrick with the pumpkins all carved. And "YES" I think Isaac is playing with scissors in this picture.
Finally, after all the excitement the boys were worn out and this is where I found them after cleaning up outside. What can I say, they needed a nap. So here's to Fall, pumpkin carving, and naps on the couch on a Saturday afternoon with dad.
Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.
Hiking with the Fam
About a month ago we went hiking at a place called "The Ledges." We knew about this place but just never had made it out there. So, one nice brisk evening we decided to pack up the kids and head out there. It is actually only about 5 minutes from our house and after we got there, Patrick and I couldn't believe that we hadn't gone before. There were some really nice trails that were even pretty good for the kids. Overall, we had a really nice evening. So, here are a few pictures we caught!
At this point we were at a look-out spot and as you can see it was a really nice sunset. And from this view we are eye level with the trees.
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