Well, yesterday was Jordan's first day of 1st grade. She was very excited needless to say. I got up an hour before her bus was scheduled to arrive and sure enough if she wasn't already dressed, hair fixed, and shoes on waiting at the front door for the bus. (An HOUR early!) However, she still needed breakfast and her lunch made but other than that she was ready. So after a few minutes of getting all of the extra stuff done she was ready for the day to begin. So, with 45 minutes to spare we headed outside to wait for the bus.
Here is a picture I caught of her. It was a beautiful morning and a great way to spend the extra time together.
I thought this was a really cute picture of Jordan and Isaac. They were holding hands at the end of the driveway just waiting.
And FINALLY, the bus made it and she was in a hurry to get on. She didn't even want to turn around at the bus or anything for a picture. What can I say, she was a "Girl on a Mission."
So, this left Isaac Sydney and myself to play for the rest of the day. We had a pretty good time. So at the end of the afternoon we headed to the front yard to wait for her arrival back home. We were going to be her cheering section when she got off the bus. Too bad for us that her bus was a HOUR late! This always happens apparently. So I caught this picture of Isaac and Sydney playing while we were waiting.
And When she got home we were there with welcome arms (and some freshly made Rice-Krispie Treats!). She was excited, hungry, tired and hot. What can I say, it was an extra long day for her. So here is a picture I caught of her getting off the bus. Her friend Carter gets off at our house also. He lives across the street so that is fun for her also.