One of our last evenings in Texas was spent in Hereford. My mom grew up in Hereford and my grandparents and uncle/aunt still live there. So, we spent the afternoon visiting and then the evening playing on my uncle and aunt's farm. I remember swinging on the swings, riding 4-wheelers and seeing all the cattle as a kid so for me it is fun to see my kids enjoying the same things. So, here are a few few pictures we caught of the evening.
The whole Gallegos gang on the Ranger. (The Ranger is an oversized 4-wheeler with seatbelts.)
Another family picture on a big John Deer tractor.
Isaac riding the 4-wheeler with Mason.
Jordan, Isaac and I riding in the Ranger.
Jordan and Isaac with the cattle. Jordan even got to pet one. She was very excited. Isaac unfortunately was too noisy and they would run when he got close to them.
The kids had a lot of fun. Since we have been back they have asked 4 or 5 times if they can go back to "Crazy" Uncle Walter's house. (That is what we call my uncle Walter.) They popped fireworks at the end of the evening and everyone had a great time. (Unfortunately we missed the fireworks because the kids were hitting melt-down mode and we had to leave.) So, thanks Walter for opening your house for another fun family get together. We appreciate it.
Love Ya and god Bless, Tara G.