Thursday, May 28, 2009

Kids at Play!!!

It is hard to believe that May is already almost over. So here are a few pictures I caught of the kids this past week.
Sydney enjoying her new favorite thing. SIPPY CUPS!!! The kind with the soft chewy top. I think it feels good on her gums. Isaac and his new soccer trophy. He was very excited. He shows it to everyone who comes over and has slept with it for the last few nights.
And this is one of Jordan enjoying one of her new favorite snacks. Black Olives! Yuck!!!! I am not a big fan of black olives but she sure is as you can see.

Playing in the rain. Yesterday we had a big rain storm and the kids wanted to play in it so bad. So Patrick sent them out for some fun in the rain. And like any good mom I ran and got the camera to catch any candid moments that might occur. They got cold pretty quick but they had fun.
And Sydney has a new talent that involves the fireplace. First, she rips off the protective foam that we have stuck to the edges of the fireplace to protect her head. Second she climbs up onto the fireplace and looks to see if anyone is looking. And finally she stands up to the fireplace and kicks the glass. Ya, that's right, she kicks the glass. I couldn't believe it. I would get her down and she can climb back up in 10 seconds flat. I couldn't believe it. So, now I have to figure out how to keep her off the fireplace.
Overall, we have been busy but had a great week. I'll post more soon.
Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a great weekend and here are a few pictures I caught of the kids at the closing of the weekend. They are bathed and ready for bed. It is getting more tricky every day to get a good picture of all three looking in the same direction.

We had a great weekend. Patrick took off on Friday so it ended up being a 4 day weekend for all of us. We got a lot done and had a good time doing it. Isaac rode his bike for the first time. Patrick and the kids cleaned out the garage and when they were done the kids got to ride their bikes in a nice clean shaded garage. They were very excited. And Isaac can finally touch the pedals of his bike well enough to pedal his way around. He was very excited.One of my good friends, Laura, celebrated her 30th birthday yesterday and I made her a cake for the occasion. We had a Bar-B-Q at another friends house and everyone brought their families and lots of food. There were about 15 kids and they all had a great time. Let's be honest, us adults had a lot of fun also. The following is a picture of the cake I made her.

And here is a picture of Ethan and Emma helping their mom celebrate her birthday! Happy Birthday Laura, we hope it was a good one. Wow, 30, that's a big one!
And Tammy, this picture is for you. I know you will be checking out this blog sooner or later so, you made it on to the Gallegos Family Blog. (A big Congratulations is in order! HAHA) And you said I wouldn't post this picture. You must have under estimated the power of our friendship! For those of you who have heard me talk about my friend that makes the bath soaps that look like real cookies and cupcakes, this is her. If you haven't had a chance, you can check out her stuff at I really enjoy it.
We hope everyone had a great weekend.
Love ya and God Bless, Tara G.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cleveland 1/2 Marathon

About 2-3 months ago Patrick came up with the idea of running in the Cleveland 1/2 marathon in May. I agreed but thought that it would come to pass. Well about a month ago he was still talking about it and we decided that we needed to start training. Well, the run was this morning and I have to say that we really had a good time. The run took place up in Cleveland along the lake. It turned out to be a great run. Our goal was to run it in 2 hours and we finished in 1 hour 59 minutes and 4 seconds. (That was a close one!) We had a babysitter come over at 5:30 this morning and we headed out for the run that started at 7:00 am. When we got home we had the babysitter take a family picture. We didn't get any pictures at the run because we didn't want to carry the camera the whole time. So, here is our family picture after 13.1 miles! The kids were very excited that we got medals. Jordan and Isaac both have been wearing them all morning. (And when Isaac puts his down Sydney runs over and chews on it for a little bit!) So, here is Jordan showing off with a medal around her neck.
And Isaac with his medal.
And I even managed to catch one of Sydney putting it on and taking it off. Girls just know at such a young age how a necklace works. Kind of scary.
I figure these may be good pictures for a High School Sports Banquet some day!
Well, I have to say, it wasn't as bad as I had expected and I look forward to the next one. (I think we are going to try to run the Akron 1/2 in September, but no promises!)
Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Coin Laundry here we come!

Well, earlier this week our washer went out. Our laundry room floor was filled with water. I figured we could make it until the weekend but O' was I wrong. Earlier this afternoon I realized that we didn't have ANY towels in our house. I couldn't wash the table with a washcloth or anything. So I figured I would just head out to the local Laundry Mat and do some laundry. How bad can it really be? So, here is where we went. Luckily, for me, there was a TV at this laundry mat and Jordan and Isaac were easily entertained. So here is a picture I caught of Sydney while she was chillin in the stroller.
And a picture of Isaac with a nice background of dryers. You can't pay for this kind of background at those fancy photography studios.
And Jordan with a cute little pose and the folding tables along with driers in the background. Another background that is priceless!!!
And a group picture before any folding took place.
Well when everything was folded and hung, we headed home. I gave Patrick a call on our way back and he said he fixed the washer and it was ready to be used. That figures, we spend two and a half hours at a laundry mat and while we are gone Patrick gets home early and fixes the washer. You gotta love how life works some times.
Love Ya and God Bless, Tara G.