School was cancelled today due to the crazy snow we got last night. Yes, we got the call at 5:30 AM this morning telling us that school was cancelled. (5:30!!!! and Jordan is in afternoon Kindergarden. Got-to-Love that!) So, we are in the house today to enjoy each other. I do have to say that the snow is very pretty here in northeast Ohio. Patrick and I were talking the other day and we have decided that SNOW is one of God's ways of slowing us down. The picture below is one I took this afternoon from my kitchen window (for those of you in Texas who may not believe me when I say there is a lot of snow here. HAHA) If you look below the tree on the right you can kind of see the small corner of a concrete bench that sits in front of the tree. That may give you an idea of how much snow there is on the ground. The swing set is behind the trees and the swings are actually covered by the snow also.
I got Sydney down for a nap and Jordan, Isaac and I went out to play in the snow. Actually I shoveled part of the driveway while the kids played. (I think they just pushed the snow back down onto the driveway as fast as they could.) I only got about 25% of it shoveled but we will see if I get any more done today.
I will title this picture "Fun in the Snow Together!!!"
This is a picture of Isaac trying to follow Jordan everywhere she goes. He was climbing a snow mound. The snow went past his knees when he was standing in it.
And Jordan stopped for a quick second so I could snap this one of her. She has a lot of fun out in the snow also. Well, that is all for now. We hope everyone is staying warm and I will post again soon.
Love ya and God Bless, Tara G.