Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Last day of the Year!
Well, today is the last day of 2008 and 2009 is only about 5 1/2 hours away.
What does 2009 have in store for the Gallegos Family? Well, we are ready to find out. 2008 was defiantly a year we will not forget. We had many ups and a few downs but our family was very blessed throughout the year.
Our family was blessed with Miss Sydney in April. We are very thankful for her healthy and smooth delivery. She is a happy and healthy little girl and for that we are grateful.
And Isaac, well he is quite the little boy and getting into the "3" stage of life. That means that 2009 will definitely be a good one for him. (And for us also!)
I don't post many pictures of myself and I figured that with the year ending I would add this picture of the kids and I. Patrick took it during Christmas and I thought it was pretty good considering we were all looking at the camera. (I am not sure what the WHITE spot in the picture is?)
And Jordan, Well 2008 has been a good year for her. She started school and is absolutely loving it. The Christmas break has been hard for her. I think she would much rather be in school. She is learning so quickly and loving every minute of it. 2009 will be very exciting for her and I am excited to continue to watch her grow.
I hope all of you have had a good 2008 and we wish everyone a Happy New Year. Who knows what this blog will bring in 2009. I'll keep you posted! Love ya and God Bless, Tara G.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Gene!!!
Well, Yesterday was Gene's (Patrick's Dad's) Birthday. Gene, I just want you to know that we tried all day to get a video of the kids singing "Happy Birthday" to you on this blog but I just couldn't get it to work. Therefore, I took these pictures of the kids and thought it MIGHT give you an idea of how the song went! We sure hope you had a great Birthday and we wish we were able to celebrate it with you. We are so thankful for everything you do for our family and hope you know that you are an amazing Pape, Father and (Even more importantly) Father-in-Law. We hope your birthday was a good one and we love you very much! 

Friday, December 19, 2008
Backed into a Corner!
This afternoon I was looking for Sydney and I started to slightly panic because I couldn't find her. I was cleaning up the dining room table and knew that she couldn't get too far in her walker. She was just in the Kitchen! Where could she be? I had also gated the stairs so I knew she couldn't have gone down them. I could hear her making a little noise but could not figure out where she was. Well, she had backed herself under my desk. Her walker fit just perfect underneath the desk in the kitchen and somehow she got stuck back in there. So of course I had to catch a picture of her "Backed into a Corner" or underneath my desk, whatever you want to call it.
And this evening Jordan and Isaac are upstairs playing in Isaac's room with their new toys. We gave in tonight and let them unwrap ONE present. Jordan got some princess figures and Isaac some Disney figures. They are very excited and are happily playing so I snuck up and caught this picture of Isaac.
And this is a picture of Jordan holding up her favorite.
And I caught this picture of both of them with all of their figures lined up and happily playing!
I figure it will be only a matter of time before Isaac is stealing Jordan's and she is screaming and all upset chasing him around the house. I guess that is part of having siblings.

We are continuing to do well and are excited about our first Christmas here in Ohio. It will definately be different than what we are used to but we are still excited. We will post more soon. Love ya and God Bless, Tara G.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
All Tongue!!!
Things here at the Gallegos house are good. Jordan is at Piano and I caught this Picture of Isaac and Patrick.
And Sydney, well she is "All tongue." (This is where I got the title for this Post) This is her new thing. I am not sure if she is teething and just chewing on it or not. However it looks like she is sticking out her tongue at everyone! It is pretty cute.
We are all doing well and getting ready for Christmas. Tis the Season and we are really enjoying it.
Love ya and God Bless, Tara G.

Love ya and God Bless, Tara G.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Christmas Lights!!!
In our neighborhood there is a house that is amazingly decorated. The kids love to drive by it in the evening. So, I decided to take this short video to share with all of you. We have been trying to take pictures of it but with the flash they don't turn out very good. So, the Gallegos family wanted to share the "Clark Griswold" house of their neighborhood with you. (I just want to make this clear that this is NOT our house. We do have lights up but not like this! HAHA) We hope you all enjoy. Love ya and God Bless, Tara G.
Kendall Hills
We have some sledding hills that are only a couple of miles from our house and that is where we found ourselves this afternoon. We got some pretty good snow over the last 24 hours and decided to take advantage of it. We all had a really great time. The following is a picture of Jordan while she was waiting in the suburban for her turn to go down the hill. She was excited and ready to go.
And this is a picture of Isaac after he had gone down the hills. He decided that the cold wind was a little too much and he wanted to hang out with Sydney and I in the suburban.
And I couldn't help but catch a picture of Sydney in her winter hat also. She had fun just watching from the warm car.
You know I had to catch one of all three of them out in the snow!
And of course on the sled!!!!
It was a fun afternoon and we are looking forward to more time sledding. Jordan decided that she could go by herself, so she of course did. She did a great job and even managed to carry the sled back up the hill all by herself. She is ready to go again.

We hope everyone is staying warm in the snow and we will talk to everyone soon. Love ya and God Bless, Tara G.
p.s. And by the way if any of you are wondering, the ginger bread house only lasted for about 6 hours before the Gallegos kids broke into it. Hey, 6 hours is longer than I had expected it to last!!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Ginger Bread House
We started making a gingerbread house last night. Unfortunately for the kids, I didn't realize that it needs time to dry before decorating. So, needless to say I put it together last night and it drove the kids crazy that they couldn't decorate it immediately! This is a picture I caught of Sydney last night. She was the only one of the Gallegos Kids who wasn't going crazy about decorating the ginger bread house.
This is a picture I caught of Isaac this morning as he was just beginning to decorate his SIDE if the house. You can see how excited he is.
Here is a picture of Jordan decorating her side of the house. As you can see, she had a really good time also.

I caught this picture of the two of them with the final decorated house. They were ready to EAT it all up as soon as we were done. Unfortunately it was only about 9:30 in the morning when we finished and I wasn't up for the two of them being on a sugar high that early on a Saturday morning.
A close up of the House. I think we may have a couple of engineers on our hands! (HAHA) We will have to see how long it lasts in our house. I am betting only about a day or so before it is totally devoured.

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